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Thu, Mar 28, 11:07 PM

Grapes of Wrath

Marinda Boydstun

Marinda BoydstunI accidentally pressed Leave, I guess. oop.

Marinda Boydstun

Marinda BoydstunI like how Steinbeck wrote both contentment and angst, and also I sense that he liked the common man. Not vulgar, really, but 'no one special '.

Marinda Boydstun

Marinda BoydstunEast of Eden, Tortilla Flats, I watched Cannery Row

Marinda Boydstun

Marinda BoydstunI have to keep touching the screen to keep it from going dark.

Marinda Boydstun

Marinda BoydstunOf Mice and Men is 😞

Marinda Boydstun

Marinda BoydstunRichard Adams's Girl in a Swing and The Art of Racing in the Rain are like that too.

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